690 Pair Telephone Distribution Frame

690 Pair Telephone Distribution Frame

Product Introduction:

Techlogiks 690 Pair Distribution Frame is a single vertical, modular distribution frame offering ease of transport and flexibility of installation. The modular construction of the distribution frame means that any size of installation can be equipped using a standard building block. Single verticals can be joined side by side for wall mounting or back-to-back to for a free-standing system.

For uneven floors the standard legs are adjustable. If height reduction is required, the legs can be removed and the distribution frame mounted directly on the floor giving an overall height of just 1850mm.

Each single vertical has a capacity of 69 x 10 pair IDC connector strips. Integral colour coded fanning strips allow quick and easy pair location.

Optional Accessories:

  • Lockable front covers are available for enclosed and security applications.
  • Side covers are supplied in pairs and are secured by the front cover.
  • Wall spacer brackets provide secure fixing for wall mounting applications.
  • For larger installations, the standard horizontal “C” jumper rings can be replaced by a deeper(140mm) set giving greater capacity. (NB: Not compatible with front covers).
  • For free-standing applications, the Plinth 1A allows two verticals to be bolted side by side rather than the usual back-to-back configuration.
  • When using this frame with raised (computer) floors, longer legs are available which will transfer the loading.

  Height Width Depth
With legs 2150mm 280mm 150mm
Without legs 1995mm 280mm 150mm

Part Number Description
TL-DF-690 690 Pair Telephone Distribution Frame
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