Multi Mode OM4 Multi-Tube Armoured Fiber Optic Cables
Multi Mode OM4 Multi-Tube Armoured Fiber Optic Cables
Techlogiks armoured loose tube cables are the product of choice as the backbone in Outside Plant (OSP) environments. The rugged loose tube design offers reliable transmission performance over a broad temperature range. Optical Fibers and water-blocking elements are placed inside buffer tubes. The core is constructed by stranding the buffer tubes around a central member. The core is wrapped with flexible strength members covered with a polyester tape then encased with a black inner jacket. An ECCS armoured is applied and a black outer jacket completes the cable construction. Rip cords are included under the inner jacket and armoured for ease of entry.
Direct bury and underground duct, Trunk, distribution and feeder cable, Local Loop, Metro, Long-haul and broadband network.
High Fiber density, Multiple network applications, Reduces cable prep and installation time, Reduces the number of tools required, Improves compressive strength and rodent protection.